
PLEASE NOTE: iTextSharp is EOL, and has been replaced by iText 7. Only security fixes will be added We HIGHLY recommend customers use iText 7 for new projects, and to consider moving existing projects from iTextSharp to iText 7 to benefit from the many improvements such as: - HTML to PDF (PDF/A) conversion - PDF Redaction - SVG support - Better language support (Indic, Thai, Khmer, Arabic, Hebrew) - PDF Debugging for your IDE - Data Extraction - Better continued support and bugfixes - More modular, extensible handling of your document workflow - Extra practical add-ons - Encryption, hashing and digital signatures This DEPRECATED tool parses (X)HTML snippets and the associated CSS and converts them to PDF. It is replaced by iText7 pdfHTML addon and iText 7 Community: XMLWorker is an extra component for iTextSharp. The first XML to PDF implementation, is a new version of the old HTMLWorker that used to be shipped with iTextSharp.

No packages depend on itextsharp.xmlworker.

Any 0.0

Version Downloads Last updated 9 06/27/2024 9 10/09/2023 9 12/07/2023 9 12/11/2023
5.5.13 9 12/08/2023
5.5.12 10 12/08/2023
5.5.11 12 12/07/2023
5.5.10 10 12/08/2023
5.5.9 11 12/10/2023
5.5.8 9 01/13/2024
5.5.7 10 12/07/2023
5.5.6 45 11/29/2019
5.5.5 12 12/11/2023
5.5.4 9 12/07/2023
5.5.3 12 12/08/2023
5.5.2 10 12/07/2023
5.5.1 10 12/07/2023
5.5.0 10 12/07/2023
5.4.5 14 12/15/2023
5.4.4 10 12/07/2023
5.4.3 8 12/20/2023
5.4.2 10 12/14/2023
1.2.0 11 12/07/2023
1.1.6 10 12/08/2023