Akka.Persistence 1.0.0-pre1504092226

Persistence actor support for Akka.NET

Showing the top 20 packages that depend on Akka.Persistence.

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Stream based query interface for persistence journal plugins for Akka.NET
Sharded actors with managed lifecycle for Akka.NET cluster. Used to distribute state in a fault-tolerant, consistent fashion over an Akka.NET cluster.
Sharded actors with managed lifecycle for Akka.NET cluster
Sharded actors with managed lifecycle for Akka.NET cluster
Additional features and tools for the Akka.Persistence library.
Sharded actors with managed lifecycle for Akka.NET cluster
Sharded actors with managed lifecycle for Akka.NET cluster
Sharded actors with managed lifecycle for Akka.NET cluster
Additional features and tools for the Akka.Persistence library.
Akka.NET streams support for ADO.NET Persistence middleware.
Sharded actors with managed lifecycle for Akka.NET cluster. Used to distribute state in a fault-tolerant, consistent fashion over an Akka.NET cluster.
Sharded actors with managed lifecycle for Akka.NET cluster. Used to distribute state in a fault-tolerant, consistent fashion over an Akka.NET cluster.
Additional features and tools for the Akka.Persistence library.
Sharded actors with managed lifecycle for Akka.NET cluster
Sharded actors with managed lifecycle for Akka.NET cluster. Used to distribute state in a fault-tolerant, consistent fashion over an Akka.NET cluster.
Stream based query interface for persistence journal plugins for Akka.NET
Sharded actors with managed lifecycle for Akka.NET cluster. Used to distribute state in a fault-tolerant, consistent fashion over an Akka.NET cluster.
Sharded actors with managed lifecycle for Akka.NET cluster. Used to distribute state in a fault-tolerant, consistent fashion over an Akka.NET cluster.

Akka.NET is officially no longer in beta status**. The APIs introduced in Akka.NET v1.0 will enjoy long-term support from the Akka.NET development team and all of its professional support partners. Many breaking changes were introduced between v0.8 and v1.0 in order to provide better future extensibility and flexibility for Akka.NET, and we will outline the major changes in detail in these release notes. However, if you want full API documentation we recommend going to the following: [Latest Stable Akka.NET API Docs](http://api.getakka.net/docs/stable/index.html "Akka.NET Latest Stable API Docs")** [Akka.NET Wiki](http://getakka.net/wiki/ "Akka.NET Wiki")** ---- Updated Packages with 1.0 Stable Release** All of the following NuGet packages have been upgraded to 1.0 for stable release: - Akka.NET Core - Akka.FSharp - Akka.Remote - Akka.TestKit - Akka.DI (dependency injection) - Akka.Loggers (logging) The following packages (and modules dependent on them) are still in *pre-release* status: - Akka.Cluster - Akka.Persistence ---- Introducing Full Mono Support for Akka.NET** One of the biggest changes in Akka.NET v1.0 is the introduction of full Mono support across all modules; we even have [Raspberry PI machines talking to laptops over Akka.Remote](https://twitter.com/AkkaDotNET/status/584109606714093568)! We've tested everything using Mono v3.12.1 across OS X and Ubuntu. [Please let us know how well Akka.NET + Mono runs on your environment](https://github.com/akkadotnet/akka.net/issues/694)!** ---- API Changes in v1.0** All methods returning an `ActorRef` now return `IActorRef`** This is the most significant breaking change introduced in AKka.NET v1.0. Rather than returning the `ActorRef` abstract base class from all of the `ActorOf`, `Sender` and other methods we now return an instance of the `IActorRef` interface instead. This was done in order to guarantee greater future extensibility without additional breaking changes, so we decided to pay off that technical debt now that we're supporting these APIs long-term. Here's the set of breaking changes you need to be aware of: - Renamed: - `ActorRef` --> `IActorRef` - `ActorRef.Nobody` --> `ActorRefs.Nobody` - `ActorRef.NoSender` --> `ActorRefs.NoSender` - `ActorRef`'s operators `==` and `!=` has been removed. This means all expressions like `actorRef1 == actorRef2` must be replaced with `Equals(actorRef1, actorRef2)` - `Tell(object message)`, i.e. the implicit sender overload, has been moved to an extension method, and requires `using Akka.Actor;` to be accessible. - Implicit cast from `ActorRef` to `Routee` has been replaced with `Routee.FromActorRef(actorRef)` `async` / `await` Support** `ReceiveActor`s now support Async/Await out of the box. ```csharp public class MyActor : ReceiveActor { public MyActor() { Receive<SomeMessage>(async some => { //we can now safely use await inside this receive handler await SomeAsyncIO(some.Data); Sender.Tell(new EverythingIsAllOK()); }); } } ``` It is also possible to specify the behavior for the async handler, using `AsyncBehavior.Suspend` and `AsyncBehavior.Reentrant` as the first argument. When using `Suspend` the normal actor semantics will be preserved, the actor will not be able to process any new messages until the current async operation is completed. While using `Reentrant` will allow the actor to multiplex messages during the `await` period. This does not mean that messages are processed in parallel, we still stay true to "one message at a time", but each await continuation will be piped back to the actor as a message and continue under the actors concurrency constraint. However, `PipeTo` pattern is still the preferred way to perform async operations inside an actor, as it is more explicit and clearly states what is going on. Switchable Behaviors** In order to make the switchable behavior APIs more understandable for both `UntypedActor` and `ReceiveActor` we've updated the methods to the following: ``` C# Become(newHandler); // become newHandler, without adding previous behavior to the stack (default) BecomeStacked(newHandler); // become newHandler, without adding previous behavior to the stack (default) UnbecomeStacked(); //revert to the previous behavior in the stack ``` The underlying behavior-switching implementation hasn't changed at all - only the names of the methods. Scheduler APIs** The `Context.System.Scheduler` API has been overhauled to be both more extensible and understandable going forward. All of the previous capabilities for the `Scheduler` are still available, only in different packaging than they were before. Here are the new APIs: ``` C# Context.System.Scheduler .ScheduleTellOnce(TimeSpan delay, ICanTell receiver, object message, ActorRef sender); .ScheduleTellOnce(TimeSpan delay, ICanTell receiver, object message, ActorRef sender, ICancelable cancelable); .ScheduleTellRepeatedly(TimeSpan initialDelay, TimeSpan interval, ICanTell receiver, object message, ActorRef sender); .ScheduleTellRepeatedly(TimeSpan initialDelay, TimeSpan interval, ICanTell receiver, object message, ActorRef sender, ICancelable cancelable); Context.System.Scheduler.Advanced .ScheduleOnce(TimeSpan delay, Action action); .ScheduleOnce(TimeSpan delay, Action action, ICancelable cancelable); .ScheduleRepeatedly(TimeSpan initialDelay, TimeSpan interval, Action action); .ScheduleRepeatedly(TimeSpan initialDelay, TimeSpan interval, Action action, ICancelable cancelable); ``` There's also a set of extension methods for specifying delays and intervals in milliseconds as well as methods for all four variants (`ScheduleTellOnceCancelable`, `ScheduleTellRepeatedlyCancelable`, `ScheduleOnceCancelable`, `ScheduleRepeatedlyCancelable`) that creates a cancelable, schedules, and returns the cancelable. Akka.NET `Config` now loaded automatically from App.config and Web.config** In previous versions Akka.NET users had to do the following to load Akka.NET HOCON configuration sections from App.config or Web.config: ```csharp var section = (AkkaConfigurationSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("akka"); var config = section.AkkaConfig; var actorSystem = ActorSystem.Create("MySystem", config); ``` As of Akka.NET v1.0 this is now done for you automatically: ```csharp var actorSystem = ActorSystem.Create("MySystem"); //automatically loads App/Web.config, if any ``` Dispatchers** Akka.NET v1.0 introduces the `ForkJoinDispatcher` as well as general purpose dispatcher re-use. Using ForkJoinDispatcher** ForkJoinDispatcher is special - it uses [`Helios.Concurrency.DedicatedThreadPool`](https://github.com/helios-io/DedicatedThreadPool) to create a dedicated set of threads for the exclusive use of the actors configured to use a particular `ForkJoinDispatcher` instance. All of the remoting actors depend on the `default-remote-dispatcher` for instance. Here's how you can create your own ForkJoinDispatcher instances via Config: ``` myapp{ my-forkjoin-dispatcher{ type = ForkJoinDispatcher throughput = 100 dedicated-thread-pool{ #settings for Helios.DedicatedThreadPool thread-count = 3 #number of threads #deadlock-timeout = 3s #optional timeout for deadlock detection threadtype = background #values can be "background" or "foreground" } } } } ``` You can then use this specific `ForkJoinDispatcher` instance by configuring specific actors to use it, whether it's via config or the fluent interface on `Props`: Config** ``` akka.actor.deploy{ /myActor1{ dispatcher = myapp.my-forkjoin-dispatcher } } ``` Props** ```csharp var actor = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Create<Foo>().WithDispatcher("myapp.my-forkjoin-dispatcher")); ``` FluentConfiguration [REMOVED]** `FluentConfig` has been removed as we've decided to standardize on HOCON configuration, but if you still want to use the old FluentConfig bits you can find them here: https://github.com/rogeralsing/Akka.FluentConfig F# API** The F# API has changed to reflect the other C# interface changes, as well as unique additions specific to F#. In addition to updating the F# API, we've also fixed a long-standing bug with being able to serialize discriminated unions over the wire. This has been resolved. Interface Renames** In order to comply with .NET naming conventions and standards, all of the following interfaces have been renamed with the `I{InterfaceName}` prefix. The following interfaces have all been renamed to include the `I` prefix: - [X] `Akka.Actor.ActorRefProvider, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.ActorRefScope, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.AutoReceivedMessage, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.Cell, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.Inboxable, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.IndirectActorProducer, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.Internal.ChildrenContainer, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.Internal.ChildStats, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.Internal.InternalSupportsTestFSMRef`2, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.Internal.SuspendReason+WaitingForChildren, Akka` - [X] `Akka.Actor.Internals.InitializableActor, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.LocalRef, Akka` - [X] `Akka.Actor.LoggingFSM, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.NoSerializationVerificationNeeded, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.PossiblyHarmful, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.RepointableRef, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.WithBoundedStash, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Actor.WithUnboundedStash, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Dispatch.BlockingMessageQueueSemantics, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Dispatch.BoundedDequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Dispatch.BoundedMessageQueueSemantics, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Dispatch.DequeBasedMailbox, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Dispatch.DequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Dispatch.MessageQueues.MessageQueue, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Dispatch.MultipleConsumerSemantics, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Dispatch.RequiresMessageQueue`1, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Dispatch.Semantics, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Dispatch.SysMsg.SystemMessage, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Dispatch.UnboundedDequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Dispatch.UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Event.LoggingAdapter, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.FluentConfigInternals, Akka` (Public) - [X] `Akka.Remote.InboundMessageDispatcher, Akka.Remote` - [X] `Akka.Remote.RemoteRef, Akka.Remote` - [X] `Akka.Routing.ConsistentHashable, Akka` (Public) `ConsistentHashRouter` and `IConsistentHashable`** Akka.NET v1.0 introduces the idea of virtual nodes to the `ConsistentHashRouter`, which are designed to provide more even distributions of hash ranges across a relatively small number of routees. You can take advantage of virtual nodes via configuration: ```xml akka.actor.deployment { /router1 { router = consistent-hashing-pool nr-of-instances = 3 virtual-nodes-factor = 17 } } ``` Or via code: ```csharp var router4 = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Empty.WithRouter( new ConsistentHashingGroup(new[]{c},hashMapping: hashMapping) .WithVirtualNodesFactor(5)), "router4"); ``` `ConsistentHashMapping` Delegate** There are three ways to instruct a router to hash a message: 1. Wrap the message in a `ConsistentHashableEnvelope`; 2. Implement the `IConsistentHashable` interface on your message types; or 3. Or, write a `ConsistentHashMapper` delegate and pass it to a `ConsistentHashingGroup` or a `ConsistentHashingPool` programmatically at create time. Here's an example, taken from the `ConsistentHashSpecs`: ```csharp ConsistentHashMapping hashMapping = msg => { if (msg is Msg2) { var m2 = msg as Msg2; return m2.Key; } return null; }; var router2 = Sys.ActorOf(new ConsistentHashingPool(1, null, null, null, hashMapping: hashMapping) .Props(Props.Create<Echo>()), "router2"); ``` Alternatively, you don't have to pass the `ConsistentHashMapping` into the constructor - you can use the `WithHashMapping` fluent interface built on top of both `ConsistentHashingGroup` and `ConsistentHashingPool`: ```csharp var router2 = Sys.ActorOf(new ConsistentHashingPool(1).WithHashMapping(hashMapping) .Props(Props.Create<Echo>()), "router2"); ``` `ConsistentHashable` renamed to `IConsistentHashable`** Any objects you may have decorated with the `ConsistentHashable` interface to work with `ConsistentHashRouter` instances will need to implement `IConsistentHashable` going forward, as all interfaces have been renamed with the `I-` prefix per .NET naming conventions. Akka.DI.Unity NuGet Package** Akka.NET now ships with dependency injection support for [Unity](http://unity.codeplex.com/). You can install our Unity package via the following command in the NuGet package manager console: ``` PM> Install-Package Akka.DI.Unity ``` ----

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Version Downloads Last updated
1.5.38 7 02/20/2025
1.5.37 5 01/28/2025
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1.5.35 4 01/15/2025
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1.5.33 6 12/29/2024
1.5.32 6 12/10/2024
1.5.31 9 11/13/2024
1.5.30 10 10/05/2024
1.5.29 12 10/06/2024
1.5.28 11 09/24/2024
1.5.28-beta1 9 08/24/2024 12 07/26/2024
1.5.27 13 07/26/2024
1.5.27-beta2 10 07/03/2024
1.5.27-beta1 11 07/03/2024
1.5.26 15 06/28/2024
1.5.25 208 06/15/2024
1.5.24 31 06/07/2024
1.5.23 12 06/06/2024
1.5.22 11 06/11/2024
1.5.21 30 06/01/2024
1.5.20 28 04/29/2024
1.5.19 30 04/29/2024
1.5.18 22 03/13/2024 21 03/13/2024
1.5.17 21 03/13/2024
1.5.16 23 02/15/2024
1.5.15 13 02/15/2024
1.5.14 45 12/17/2023
1.5.13 81 09/25/2023
1.5.13-beta1 27 08/31/2023
1.5.12 11 02/15/2024
1.5.11 16 02/15/2024
1.5.10 17 02/15/2024
1.5.9 15 08/29/2023
1.5.8 15 08/29/2023
1.5.7 15 06/14/2023
1.5.6 12 06/12/2023
1.5.5 11 12/30/2023
1.5.4 11 06/14/2023
1.5.3 17 06/14/2023
1.5.2 13 06/13/2023
1.5.1 17 02/15/2024
1.5.0 46 04/12/2023
1.5.0-beta6 29 03/23/2023
1.5.0-beta5 13 08/31/2023
1.5.0-beta4 17 08/29/2023
1.5.0-beta3 18 09/01/2023
1.5.0-beta2 14 08/27/2023
1.5.0-beta1 16 08/28/2023
1.5.0-alpha4 13 08/29/2023
1.5.0-alpha3 26 04/02/2023
1.5.0-alpha2 14 08/26/2023
1.5.0-alpha1 31 08/01/2023
1.4.51 14 08/29/2023
1.4.50 15 08/28/2023
1.4.49 14 05/07/2023
1.4.49-beta1 13 08/30/2023
1.4.48 15 08/31/2023
1.4.47 17 08/28/2023
1.4.46 16 08/24/2023
1.4.45 31 03/22/2023
1.4.44 16 08/29/2023
1.4.43 16 08/28/2023
1.4.42 14 08/29/2023
1.4.41 14 08/28/2023
1.4.40 14 08/27/2023
1.4.39 13 08/29/2023
1.4.38 19 02/15/2024
1.4.37 15 08/29/2023
1.4.36 13 02/15/2024
1.4.35 15 08/29/2023
1.4.34 53 03/23/2023
1.4.33 16 08/30/2023
1.4.32 14 08/31/2023
1.4.31 56 04/27/2022
1.4.30 17 08/31/2023
1.4.29 13 03/26/2022
1.4.28 49 03/22/2023
1.4.27 13 08/29/2023
1.4.26 13 08/30/2023
1.4.25 12 09/01/2023
1.4.24 16 08/28/2023
1.4.23 23 08/27/2023
1.4.22 13 08/31/2023
1.4.21 30 07/08/2021
1.4.21-beta1 12 09/01/2023
1.4.20 16 08/31/2023
1.4.19 37 07/15/2023
1.4.18 16 08/31/2023
1.4.17 17 08/30/2023
1.4.16 12 08/29/2023
1.4.15 16 08/30/2023
1.4.14 13 08/31/2023
1.4.13 14 08/28/2023
1.4.12 15 08/30/2023
1.4.11 14 08/28/2023
1.4.10 16 08/30/2023
1.4.9 18 06/14/2023
1.4.8 13 06/13/2023
1.4.7 11 06/13/2023
1.4.6 12 06/13/2023
1.4.5 12 06/14/2023
1.4.4 35 03/23/2023
1.4.3 15 06/13/2023
1.4.2 10 06/13/2023
1.4.1 12 12/30/2023
1.4.1-rc3 17 08/29/2023
1.4.1-rc2 18 08/30/2023
1.4.1-rc1 14 08/25/2023
1.4.0-beta4 14 09/01/2023
1.4.0-beta3 12 08/31/2023
1.4.0-beta2 16 08/29/2023
1.4.0-beta1 16 08/27/2023
1.3.19 210 05/03/2024
1.3.18 189 08/29/2023
1.3.17 196 08/28/2023
1.3.16 183 03/23/2023
1.3.15 198 08/28/2023
1.3.14 218 03/29/2023
1.3.13 225 04/30/2023
1.3.12 218 07/23/2023
1.3.11 223 06/01/2023
1.3.10 199 08/29/2023
1.3.9 11 02/15/2024
1.3.8 11 02/15/2024
1.3.7 192 02/15/2024
1.3.6 204 07/14/2023
1.3.5 205 02/15/2024
1.3.4 195 06/13/2023
1.3.3 195 06/13/2023
1.3.2 199 10/20/2023
1.3.1 224 03/23/2023
1.3.0 196 06/13/2023 195 08/29/2023 193 08/31/2023 193 08/28/2023 203 08/29/2023 192 08/28/2023 193 08/29/2023 195 02/15/2024 197 02/15/2024 232 04/07/2023 196 02/15/2024 195 02/15/2024 195 02/15/2024 241 04/22/2023 196 02/15/2024 205 02/15/2024 193 02/15/2024 198 12/10/2023 195 08/31/2023 196 08/29/2023 197 08/31/2023 191 08/29/2023 206 08/28/2023 194 08/31/2023 194 08/28/2023 194 02/15/2024
1.0.3-beta 199 02/15/2024 196 02/15/2024
1.0.1-pre1504282013 192 08/27/2023
1.0.0-pre1504092226 191 08/28/2023
1.0.0-dev1504032244 192 08/30/2023
0.8.0-pre1502120115 190 02/15/2024